Monday, May 25, 2020

Biological Nature Vs. Nurture - 871 Words

Pulling from the biological perspective, genetics is the study of heredity. Through these means, this paper explores the role that biological factors play in sex differences in mental health. In order to understand the effects of genes on an individual, the mediated effects of the environment are also taken into consideration. A major argument in the field of genetics is the nature vs. nurture debate regarding the role of genes and the environment that constitute the fate of an individual. Some research has found support for sex differences in depression accounted by differences in inheritance of depression, a benefit from twin studies (Rice, Harold, Thapar, 2002). If depression runs in the biological family, then the chances of developing depression are much higher in that individual, regardless of sex. Some studies have considered how the gene for a specific serotonin transporter can play a role in susceptibility to depression. Serotonin is a chemical important in balancing moods, and so it is believed that a deficiency in serotonin may be a cause for depression (McIntosh, 2015). The predictive role of serotonin in depression is exemplified by the monoamine hypothesis that biologically depression is due to lower levels of serotonin (Eley et al., 2010; McIntosh, 2015). For this reason, researchers have studied the effects that a serotonin gene transporter can have on depression Early childhood experiences of maltreatment have been found to be strongly predictive of theShow MoreRelatedNature Vs Nurture : The Biological Approach962 Words   |  4 Pages Nature vs Nurture is something that has been researched for many years especially when it comes to finding the reason for someone committing a crime. When talking about nature, I am talking about how you are born. The genes that you are born with that make you who you are. When referring to nurture I am talking about how someone is raised. Such as the environment you live in and what is taught to you. As humans we cannot control our nature it is simply what you are born with. When you are born youRead MoreNature Vs. Nurture : Biological And Social Factors Essay1771 Words   |  8 PagesNature vs. nurture is a well known argument that is often discussed by many psychologists, philosophers, and even everyday people. It raises the question on whether individual identity is shaped through biological factors, social factors, or if it is affected by both factors. Moreover, this argument delves into the territories of vertical and horizontal identities as well. A vertical identity includes the biological and social factors inherited from parents, while a horizontal identity consists ofRead MoreNature Vs Nurture Centers On How Much Of A Person s Biological, Cognitive, And Social Development1541 Words   |  7 PagesINTRODUCTION Nature Vs Nurture centers on how much of a person’s biological, cognitive, personal and social development can be attributed to either the genetic (hereditary) determinism i.e. nature or the environmental determinism i.e. nurture. Charles Darwin (1809-1882) noted that â€Å"Physical characteristics that promote survival of the individual are more likely to be passed on to offspring because the individuals with these characteristics are likelyRead MoreSerial Killers1314 Words   |  6 Pagestoday is the debate over nature versus nurture. With that debate going on there are many topics that are being researched under it, like serial killers, and what drives them to do what they do. Many scientists are still researching whether or not if serial killers are driven by the way they were raised or if it is a part of their genes. This literature review will analyze what people think about the nature versus nurture debate. It will talk about the nature side and the nurture side of the debate.Read MoreNature vs Nurture, a Not Quite a Twin1684 Words   |  7 PagesNature vs Nurture A Not Quite Twin Study Tamara Richardson Seminole State College of Florida Abstract This paper is going to discuss the Nature vs Nurture debate. There will be history of the debate, where it is presently and where it may go in the future. We will look at the beginning of the debate, the battle that started with Descartes and was pushed further by BF Skinner, Bandura and Piaget. We will further look at Bandura and Piaget and look at Social learning theory verses biology. InterviewsRead MoreNature Vs. Nurture Debate878 Words   |  4 Pages are personalities and traits produced by genetics or shaped by the environment? Or, is there a relationship between nature and nurture with regards to child development? The debate continues. While some believe â€Å"nature and nurture work together, others believe they are separate and opposing influences† (McDevitt, 2010). Nature vs Nurture In regards to the nature vs. nurture debate, â€Å"this debate is a major issue in many social science disciplines and is concerned with the influence that biologyRead MoreEssay on Nature vs Nurture1052 Words   |  5 PagesNature vs. Nurture M. B. Liberty University Psychology 101 Nature vs. Nurture There has been extensive debate between scholars in the field of psychology surrounding the Nature vs. Nurture issue. Both nature and nurture determine who we are and neither is solely independent of the other. â€Å"As the area of a rectangle is determined by its length and its width, so do biology and experience together create us.†(Myers, 2008, p. 8) Carl Gustav Jung, and leading thinker and creator of analyticalRead MoreThe Effect Of Environmental And Genetics On The Development Of A Person1000 Words   |  4 Pageshistory of psychology is the debate of whether or not ones environment or genetic background plays more of a role in the development of a person. Both nature and nurture have been proven to play an important role in one’s development. Nature is what we think of as pre-wiring and is influenced by genetic inheritance and other biological factors. Nurture is generally taken as the influence of external factors after conception e.g. the product of exposure , experience and learning on an individual. ThroughoutRead MoreHomosexuality : Nature And Nature871 Words   |  4 PagesHomosexuality: Nature or nurture By: Clifnie francois Advance Placement Psychology Mr. Cuetara June 4 2015 Abstract The nature and nature of homosexuality is heavily debated. Some people believe that homosexuality is biologically determined and others believe it’s base on ones environment. This topic can be argue to be base on both nature and nurture. Studies conducted in the past decades support both the biological and environmentalRead MoreNature Vs. Nurture : Addiction1102 Words   |  5 Pages Nature vs. Nurture: Addiction Introduction Psychology is a developing science which studies the mental functions, processes, and behaviors of an individual. In the science of psychology, many debates arise; nature vs. nurture is one of the most popular ones. These psychological debates are followed by research, backing up either nature or nurture or both. Nature suggest heredity impacts human psychological development; nurture suggests the environment impacts our psychological

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